Thursday, February 21, 2008

what transpired

has been eventful.

met my blood. I knew he'd love cafe morrisson. we knocked the beers and caught up. As I told V later, there are different levels of maturation. Some may not 'grow up' but face hardships of different kinds- hardships and realities that may be alien to us. He has always meant well and the security blanket we wear manifests itself in his case in the form of a rock hard fist. With this, my brother loves and hates; and for us lucky souls that lie in the realm of the former , there could be noone better. Our reunions will always be joyous.

A delicious cake (even though I didn't react quite as immediately as I should have:)) . Get together at tan's. Highlight being a heater with lights and some insanely dipping temperatures with rum and coke. Pretentious people are everywhere. Gita tagged this pic below as 'family'

The Concert. Huge. Lots of coordination, realizations and more. Went off well and the movie star pulled it off. The creators had fun which was the idea. A friend dissapointed me. Who needs a truth serum when all we need is alcohol? Insecurity towards those who care is despicable. Maybe I don't care as much as I think I do as well.

The night that followed was jarring. None of us are superhuman and the body is fragile. Breakable. Bendable. There lies no greater load then the guilt of letting down one who is your responsibility. There is nothing entertaining about the sight of blood.

Take care my friends. You guys are precious, and I don't mean in the creepy lord of the rings way.

P.S. - I've created chaos by tagging my relationship status as married to V. Jesus- I wonder what's gonna happen when it actually happens. Whaddayasay T? :)

P.P.S- Achewood as usual makes a completely brilliant mess of the ongoing elections in the states. Chris - you are a lone star in the dark skies of our foolhardy belief in all that surrounds us. And you do it through an imaginary set of animals in a fake town. Thank you.

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